Every season has its star, whether it’s the Hong Kong flu, mad cow disease, foot and mouth disease, mail-borne anthrax, flesh eating bacteria, or West Nile virus.
Each one is soon hyped as the new disease that will wreck your health unless you wash your hands and watch the news, and each one is just as soon forgotten in time for the next disease to make headlines.
So it’s no surprise seeing SARS as the latest viral superstar.
There is no doubt about it – thousands of people have come down with a nasty flu-like illness and hundreds have died. But the media reaction is highly over-hyped in proportion to SARS’s communicability and percentage kill-rate. The only ones who should be worried about the disease are old folks with poor immune systems because they comprise the overwhelming majority of those who allegedly died from SARS.
Of course, the media is attempting to scare everyone with photos showing healthy young Asians wearing surgical masks. Furthermore, it’s suspicious to see the percentage death rate rise in the past weeks; doctors tend to prescribe drugs in accordance with the perceived severity of the disease.
All the growing hysteria over SARS may have caused a statistical increase in the prescribed strength and quantity of antiviral drugs whose side-effects may have killed more people than the disease itself. As witnessed in the case of AZT and AIDS, this pattern happens repeatedly among the orthodox medical industry; the “cure” tends to be worse than the disease because it suppresses symptoms while often catalyzing the cause.
It’s possible that SARS was genetically engineered, but for what purpose?
If true, its relatively low level of lethality and overwhelming media attention suggests that it was specifically designed to scare the maximum number of people with the least amount of deaths. The media, perhaps acting upon its own greed for consumer energy and attention, is nevertheless serving what seems to be an orchestrated attempt by certain ‘forces’ to further terrorize the population into submission.
Desperate people will accept desperate measures, even when their fear is mostly manufactured.
While SARS is known to have been around in quiet mode for months before the recent outbreak, the initiating event of the recent outbreak is highly suspicious: it spread rapidly from floor to floor in a Chinese hotel occupied by wealthy older foreigners who would soon be flying home. Some have wondered how it could have spread so quickly throughout the building, hypothesizing that the disease could have crossed from damaged sewage pipes to clean water supplies in the hotel.
That’s an ad hoc explanation if there ever was one.
Considering the nature of SARS and its clear political consequences, it’s more likely that the disease was purposely spread by a human agent going floor to floor infecting selected targets, or perhaps through nebulization and placement in the ventilation systems. Can’t help but be reminded of the final minutes of the movie Twelve Monkeys. It’s easy for a virus to be genetically engineered by government factions with the resources to do so, and it’s even easier to spread such a genetically engineered disease.
One of the final scenes of the beautiful movie "Twelve Monkeys" |
A common method includes spreading one disease via inoculations for another.
So what has resulted from this?
In general, the public has been further tenderized into accepting increasingly restrictive curbs upon their freedoms, with growing empowerment of authority who really don’t have our best interest in mind. SARS patients in hospitals are now quarantined so that it’s very difficult for relatives to even visit them – meaning they are pumped full of drugs which can kill them and there’s nothing their relatives can do about it.
Bush has signed an order that allows forced quarantining of potentially infected groups of people.
While SARS may disappear soon enough, the order will remain in effect and it takes only clever media hype of any manufactured disease to lockdown any town in the nation. Toronto is an example of a city that was test targeted for economic destruction via a simple statement from an authoritative agency (the World Health Organization) supported by media propaganda. Also, this appears to entirely be a test run for a real epidemic, to get the infrastructure in place with a normalized exaggeration of a lesser disease.
As for the disease itself, it appears that other factors may be responsible for its growth besides just person to person communicability. Whether a pathogen has any effect upon a potential victim depends largely upon his or her immune system.
The immune system isn’t just biological in nature, it is also electromagnetic and metaphysical. In other words, there are electromagnetic and metaphysical factors which greatly determine just how severe a response will be to the introduction of any particular pathogen. Viruses are passive things, having no energy or mobility of their own to force their way into infecting anyone or anything. Only with the aid of a host’s own cells can it invade, replicate, and destroy. They are more akin to gentle knocks rather than battering rams when it comes to opening the door to ill health.
Even on a biological level, there is some level of permission from the host necessary for the disease to take root and blossom. Metaphysically, a body’s inhabiting soul allows a disease to fully infect if it potentially provides for some learning lesson.
For example, when one strays from one’s life path by adopting a stressful and cynical outlook on life, diseases can manifest which are both symptomatic of that mental and emotional imbalance and serve to potentially teach one to adopt a more healthy state of being. Yes, there are biological processes that reflect these, such as rises in cortisol (stress hormone) levels, but these either run parallel with, or are a causal result of the underlying metaphysical process.
The points in the preceding paragraph are self-evident, but even published sources mention the link between metaphysics and health. For example, the Ra Material talks about disease providing chosen learning lessons for the infected person. It is the reason why laughter and positive attitude lead to more rapid recovery and why, as mentioned, stress aggravates disease.
The physical component of the immune system plays a large part as well, however. In the door analogy above, it was said that viruses are more like knocks than battering rams. Well, even gentle knocks can rip through paper doors – so a drastically physically weakened immune system will not protect against disease, regardless of metaphysical and electromagnetic factors.
Those succumbing to SARS obviously tend to have weak immune systems, but it is the point of this commentary to emphasize that their vulnerability to SARS isn’t just physical, but involves metaphysical factors as well. In other words, having a healthy mental, spiritual, and emotional state of being is great protection against disease, especially against most viruses.
To illustrate the physical and metaphysical nature of disease, here is a summary discussion of those who are more vulnerable.
Children are vulnerable for two reasons:
first, except for inherited immunity, they have no library of antibodies gained from past exposure to viruses and are therefore physically defenseless against many viruses
second, their body-soul interface matures with time and so the soul (Higher Self, actually) cannot control what happens to them in as refined manner as when they become older
Another vulnerable group consists of humans without individualized souls, as their infection patterns are mostly random because there is neither reason to allow or disallow any particular disease, nor is there a higher metaphysical agent to control such patterns.
The Cassiopaeans suggested increasing one’s awareness to close the gaps that allow viruses to enter, which makes sense because with increased awareness there are fewer mundane lessons one needs to learn. I have been intensely studying the nature of reality over the past decade, constantly increasing my awareness, and it’s beyond coincidence that I haven’t gotten the flu in seven years.
The few times I’ve gotten a cold came immediately after indulging in prolonged periods of stress and negative thinking. Once again, healthy emotions and a knowledgeable mind seem to prevent disease. Combine this with good physical health via a decent diet and whatever supplements are needed, and great health is virtually guaranteed.
Some may ask, what is the point of health? Isn’t that being body-centric?
Well, as with everything it is a matter of balance. If one is too sick, he or she will be too preoccupied with moping and healing to do anything else. If one is too focused on health, then he or she will be too preoccupied with being a health nut to do anything else.
Lessons can be learned the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is by learning from the mistakes of others. Disease is the hard way of learning a lesson – so those who claim that not getting sick cuts one short of lessons are both right and wrong – they are wrong in the sense that lessons can be learned the easy way as well; for example, one can learn to see things in a more balanced positive manner rather than being hateful and cynical, thus preventing some illness that might otherwise about befall them.
But they are also right in the case where disease is forcefully removed without corresponding correction on a metaphysical level. For example, cancer resulting from some emotional blockage stemming from a life long trend of resentment and anger can be excised during surgery, but this does nothing to address the reason the cancer formed in the first place, and the cancer will often return to fulfill its purpose.
The purpose of health is to optimize one’s biological machinery so that one’s life mission can be accomplished in the smoothest and most efficient manner possible.
Now, there are cases where there is unfair imbalance in the physical sector of immunity, and it is perfectly fine to correct that imbalance with a physical balancer such as colloidal silver, the Zapper, a Rife beam unit, natural supplements like melatonin or spirulina and alfalfa, or whatever fits each individual case. These are random examples of things people have used and anecdotally reported positive results.
If you are interested, do the research and watch for disinformation.
Anyway, unfair physical imbalances can result from forced (freewill-violating) influences from the environment: chemicals like fluoride and aspartame, ionizing radiation, and electromagnetic radiation such as ELF’s and microwaves just to name a few. While a strong soul can override these influences, they still take their toll on the physical aspect.
This brings us to the electromagnetic component of immunity. The following paragraphs are technical, but I am writing it for those interested.
It is through quantum mechanical processes and electromagnetics that the soul interfaces via neurons and DNA with the physical body.
It is therefore possible to technologically generate electromagnetic signals that interfere with this interface process. They can also be used to heal (as in the case of Rife beam units for example), but the occult technocracy that runs this world prefers to use technology that manipulates and kills instead. The combination of quantum mechanics and electrodynamic effects leads to a holographic resonance principle employed in radionic and psionic technologies.
It is where the vibrational signature of one object can be transmitted to and mingled with the vibration of another. For instance, with radionics it is possible to mix the vibration of a pesticide with a sample of a bug-infested lawn in a radionic machine, and soon the lawn is cleared of insects without a single drop of pesticide physically sprayed on it.
The individualized human soul projects its own quantum-EM field (aura) via the etheric body which tends to keep the body’s cells organized and operating coherently. This field can be sensed by certain psychics and captured with Kirlian photography.
As a side note, Kirlian photography actually captures the static electrical discharges of an object placed on an electrode, but the aura alters the fundamental constants of space (the permittivity of free space to be exact) which changes the dielectric constant and hence lowers the resistance of the vacuum/air along certain lines through space which the electrical discharges tend to thereby follow. Most often, the etheric body’s aura is stronger than environmental electromagnetic signals, but these signals still place stress upon the physical body.
It is possible to broadcast signals containing the vibrational frequency of a specific disease in order to enhance the probability of its spread among a targeted population. An easier method is to broadcast audio or microwave subliminals designed specifically to weaken people’s immune systems. Because one’s mental and emotional states play a large part in immunity, these subliminal programming techniques would merely have to implant negative thoughts and emotions in order to pry open a gap in a person’s awareness for viruses to then successfully invade the physical body.
Also, through sheer hysteria psychosomatic illness can result, a phenomenon which I don’t doubt has played a hand in Asian SARS cases. Mass psychic energy pooled into a single concept creates an etheric thought-form, a pseudo-intelligence which functions as a probability template that biases the likelihood of disease susceptibility in resonant sectors of the population – one more possible negative consequence of media hype.
So another point of this commentary is to suggest the presence of broadcasted electromagnetic signals specifically tailored to aid the proliferation of certain diseases.
Modern technology is one of the biggest weapons of frequency control. You have been sold devices for entertainment and convenience, and they are all involved with frequency control. We recommend strongly that you get rid of your television sets. They are the primary tool used to manipulate your consciousness on a day-to-day basis. This experiment is so finely tuned that you respond subliminally to disease via the television. So there is an entire generation that is killing itself by watching television-and supporting the medical society while they are doing it.
[...] Sometimes liberating information is broadcast-perhaps even a New Age show. However, you may watch such a television show about how uplifted and unlimited you can be, while subliminally you are being hit with a frequency that keeps you from original thinking. This subliminal keeps you immobilized and holds you in a “survive, arrive, be-on-time, be-silent, go-to work” society. Television also promotes inactivity and a sedentary, obese life. Look around you. Wake up, humans!
Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset human consciousness has become a worldwide program. If you think about the houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be, you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your vibrational frequency.
Certainly, television would be one of the most effective devices through which to broadcast disease signals because almost every home in America has at least one. In comparison, the Rife beam unit used for healing consists of a glass tube filled with a noble gas charged with modulated electricity to produce a pulsed light.
Televisions emit electric and magnetic fields, x-rays, and pulsed light waves all under the modulation-control of whatever program the TV is receiving. If a Rife tube can heal, then a television tube can probably weaken or infect (the Rife principle supposedly works by resonating with and shattering pathogens, but that’s a battering-ram approach to disease. A more finely tuned light signal can send information, perhaps the vibrational signature of a disease if so desired).
Evidence strongly suggests that television has a negative influence upon one’s mind. This goes beyond just simple time-wasting and cultural and political indoctrination. Thus, be wary of what you watch, especially when it comes to news programming. How many SARS cases have been catalyzed by signals broadcasted through news which everyone is watching to keep updated on SARS to begin with? Perhaps this is a minor factor, but I believe it is technologically feasible.
The subject of immune suppressing EM signals ties directly into the chemtrail phenomenon. In 2000 I wrote Chemtrails: Suppressing Human Evolution which hypothesized that chemtrails contained viral vectors engineered to infect and genetically alter targeted populations to prevent their DNA from activating into a higher evolved form. This may sound like science fiction to you, but read the article and decide for yourself. I still stand by this hypothesis as nothing has yet disproved it.
At the time of the article’s publication, there was no evidence of barium or aluminum salts in chemtrail fallout because no one had tested for it, and only shortly thereafter was barium titanate first found in samples.
Barium titanate is an incredible dielectric, meaning it holds charge very well. It seemed to me at the time that this substance was used to hold charge on chemtrail fibers so that they would not clump but rather repel and spread out. Today, it is known fact that various barium and aluminum salts and particles are present in chemtrails, some of which are better radar and microwave reflectors than charge holders. This indicates additional reasons for their presence besides homogenizing chemtrail cover.
Various excuses have emerged to explain the chemtrail phenomenon away as benign or benevolent government projects. I already refuted the three main theories in 2000 that chemtrails were part of a mass inoculation program, severe population reduction project, or weather modification, but a couple new ones have emerged since then. One example is a report posted anonymously at It proposed two theories, that chemtrails contain metal particles which reflect sunlight away from earth in order to combat global warming, and that they also create conductive atmospheric ducts to be used in a military 3d terrain mapping project.
The global warming theory is clearly false, because biological materials such as various pathogens and dried human blood cells have been found in chemtrail fallout, and also because chemtrails are regularly seen during the night. Where is the sunlight to reflect at night? William Thomas has adopted and popularized this theory, and I must call into question is intentions or sources.
The second theory is an actual technological application within the military known as Radio Frequency Mission Planner (RFMP) and Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE). Read about these at the
These are used to map enemy territory and more easily monitor their communications. While this may be true, radar and microwave reflective particles such as barium and titanium salts can serve much more sinister purposes. Also, this theory does not explain the presence of biological components in chemtrail fallout, the immune-suppressing nature of chemtrails, nor the fact that thousands of cities across America have been weekly sprayed by chemtrails since at least 1998—if this is a military project, how much testing is needed, and why only over populated areas?
Clearly, this theory is being used as disinformation.
Now, it is absolute fact that disease rates spike several days after any particular chemtrail spraying in any given community. Pathogenic materials have been found in multiple chemtrail samples from multiple locations. People tend to get sick with similar symptoms simultaneously in separate towns whose only common factor is that they were sprayed in the same day.
Here is a generic list of ingredients I strongly believe are present in chemtrails:
immune suppressing chemicals, such as ethylene dibromide (EDB)
radar and microwave reflective metallic substance, like barium or aluminum
dielectric hollow polymer fibers
viral and bacterial vectors
remnants of genetic engineering and replication procedures used to construct the pathogenic vectors
With the preceding information in mind, here is an educated guess as to the purpose of metal particles in chemtrails:
The purpose of the chemtrail project is indeed to suppress human evolution on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. Its primary goal is to perform aerosol ‘gene therapy’ upon targeted populations by spraying them with viral vectors capable of shutting down the DNA activation process in those infected.
But because viruses themselves are quite weak, several enhancements are needed:
the encasing of viral vectors in a hollow polymer fiber to protect them from destructive effects of UV radiation from the sun and to help the agent spread out via electrostatic repulsion of the charged fibers
the accompaniment of chemical immune suppressants to weaken and prep the body for reception of the virus
the use of microwave reflective substances to help amplify beamed mind programming and disease-signature signals upon the population in order to disarm their metaphysical immunity mechanisms.
secondary objectives are to mind program the masses and modify their collective behavior in conformity with some agenda.
Using HAARP in conjunction with electromagnetic ‘ducts’ consisting of conductive channels formed in the atmosphere by metal chemtrail particles, focused beaming of mind programming microwave signals upon the population below is possible.
The resonant cavity formed between a conductive chemtrail sheet and the ionosphere can support induced oscillations in the ELF range. Televisions and microwave cell phone towers, two other control methods, are not capable of generating ELF waves as easily as chemtrails in conjunction with HAARP would.
So to recap, because viruses are often disallowed by the metaphysical protection mechanism, an electromagnetic method of disarming that defense is required, hence the microwave amplification. This is not the only reason for manipulative EM signals – such signals can also muddle the mind, implant thoughts, agitate emotions, and induce docility.
Thorough and all-encompassing as these control methods are, they still fail to achieve their aim of suppression and control in cases of individuals with healthy states of being consisting of high levels of awareness, emotional well-being, and reasonably fit physical immune systems. SARS is a good example to illustrate how diseases function in a political, biological, psychological, commercial, and metaphysical contexts.
Both SARS and chemtrails are simply part of a hostile agenda implemented by the world’s political and military elite to keep earth’s population locked down and under control. Fortunately, their methods are imperfect and with each passing day more individuals awaken and empower themselves.